Pros: Please see bottom line.
Cons: Please see bottom line.
Summary: My Sprint store called me last night (10/8/2009) to let me know my Hero was in stock and ready to pick up. I got the phone home around 8pm and spent about 4 hours playing around with it, and another 3 so far today. It has customization options ... Expand full review
Summary: My Sprint store called me last night (10/8/2009) to let me know my Hero was in stock and ready to pick up. I got the phone home around 8pm and spent about 4 hours playing around with it, and another 3 so far today. It has customization options I could only dream about on my iPhone (Edge and 3G owner, from day one of both). The phone is smaller than the iphone, but fatter, which I am ok with, feels more comfortable in my hands than my 3G did.
NOTES: People have several complaints about the phone that are pretty weak:
- the Hero wont sync with iTunes? No phone does, other than the iPhone. And any phone that hacks the way it talks to iTunes apple immediately fixes. Blame Apple, not HTC.
- Additionally people complain about the keyboard size - its Android, get on the app market place and download a new one, problem solved.
-It most certainly does support Exchange sync. I'm using it right now to get corporate email, calendars, and tasks.
- Solid feel
- Removable battery
- decent camera/camcorder
- feels MUCH nicer in my hand than my iPhone
- MicroSD slot
- great selection of apps (its no AppStore, but I'm not complaining)
- auto-brightness much more responsive than my iPhone
- can run multiple apps at once, background apps (not push notification, actual background apps)
- Doesn't sync with iTunes (honestly, the WORST feature of iPhone was being tied to this behemoth)
- turn-by-turn GPS is FREE with a sprint 'everything' plan (although this is carrier specific and not phone specific)
- much quicker than previous reviews have made it seem, definitely more responsive than my iPhone(s)
- can pull contact info from Facebook right into phone contact (image, e-mail etc)
- plenty of fantastic apps out of the box
- can delete unwanted factory apps (apple weather, stocks, notes, and cal apps? pfft.)
- can use standard mini-Usb for charging/syncing. no $20 apple proprietary cable
- im sure I will find plenty more as time goes on
- I will probably miss the beauty and ease of use of the iTunes player in my iPhone
- doesnt dim when you put it to your ear
- apps run in the background and sometimes you forget them (this is easily resolved if you download a process manager application from the marketplace)
As I've said, I've only had the phone since last night, but I am already glad i terminated my ATT contract. I get better reception in my apartment, I havent dropped any calls (id average at least two on my iPhone by this point in the day). This phone is customizable like whoah, and feels fantastic. Good call quality, visual voicemail, nice iChat inspired MMS and SMS chat timelines (definitely one of the best iPhone features, and surely one to copy).
Definitely head and shoulders above the other iPhone "killers" and definitely a worthy adversary to the iPhones dominance. I've been using iPhones since launch several years ago, and never thought I'd give it up. Today I'm glad I did.
Updated on Oct 12, 2009
Have had a request to comment on battery life - It is much better than my iPhone. I get about 20 hours between charges. That's with a twttier client, facebook, scrobbler app in background, playing music, sending receiving e-mail and text. Set to check twitter every 15 minutes. Backlight on for 5 minutes after key-press. I don't make many calls, so I cant judge that. Checks gmail and corporate exchange in background every few minutes. Definitely can't complain about it.
Updated on Oct 12, 2009
Have had a request to comment on battery life - It is much better than my iPhone. I get about 20 hours between charges. That's with a twttier client, facebook, scrobbler app in background, playing music, sending receiving e-mail and text. Set to check twitter every 15 minutes. Backlight on for 5 minutes after key-press. I don't make many calls, so I cant judge that. Checks gmail and corporate exchange in background every few minutes. Definitely can't complain about it.
Updated on Oct 12, 2009
Definitely comes with Android 1.5. HTC will release 1.6 to the phone when they have SenseUI fine-tuned for the new additions the OS will surely provide. Still notice no lag.
- Read the article today on Engadget about how it is using an old rev of the EvDo (rev. 0), and will be patched by HTC in the future. Still noticeably faster than my 3G.
- Noticed today that the 10MB file limit imposed on the iPhone on Edge/3G is not present here. Very convenient for downloading podcasts on the go, as they usually sit around 25+MB.
- Sprint TV is kinda fun, I don't see myself using it often, but it is definitely functional.
- Love the ability to click settings on any song in on-phone libray and set as a ring-tone. Can even edit them right on the phone
- Love the auto-focus feature, while I can't see myself actually using the barcode scanning feature, it is definitely all kinds of cool
Thats all for now, more as it comes.
Updated on Oct 16, 2009
My apologies to ra4purdue I don't know what I was thinking when I said tasks, I definitely meant contacts. Apologize for any inconvenience that error has caused.
Updated on Oct 31, 2009
10/31/2009 - So I have had the phone for several weeks now, and just wanted to update my review. I still have no issues at all with the phone. There are few minor learning-curve type issues I have encountered (did you know you can click+hold on just about anything for extended menu options? neither did I!) However most of these I would attribute to the generally poor quality of the manual.
HTC has yet to release a client that will work with Windows 7 64bit, but since I only use GMail the over-air syncing is more than good enough for my purposes.
The camera does use a bit to be desired, but as has been said on other blogs, can easily be fixed with a software patch, which we may or may not see in the future.
Still experiencing fantastic battery life and equally fantastic call quality.
You do need to turn off WiFi if attempting to download MMS images, etc. Don't know if this is a Sprint issue, an HTC issue, or an Adnroid issue. Took me a while to figure that one out.
Still loving it!
Updated on Oct 31, 2009
FYI: There is a known issue that is currently being worked on by HTC that is causing the SMS application to not allow the phone to sleep. This is why some people are getting horrendous battery life. The issue is, according to the Hero forums, being worked on now, and does not affect all users. The solution is to download a new SMS application, go to a contact, and select send message. it will ask you which program to use, from here you can change the default to your new app. You can also get a task manager application (I use TaskKiller) and kill the SMS application every now and then. HTC will apparently be patching this issue as soon as possible (the joys of an open source OS is in the transparency of the issues).
I was not affected by this issue, but investigated it and the solutions (and how well they work) in an attempt to keep the review readers up-to-date on the known issues.
Updated on Nov 9, 2009
HTC has announced that they will be skipping 1.6 and are currently qualifying an Android 2.0 release for the HTC Hero (this includes a 2.0-friendly version of HTC Sense UI and all comparability improvements for Sprint.)
Updated on Nov 9, 2009
Ugh, compatibility, not comparability.
Updated on Nov 19, 2009
Sprint released an update to the phone, details below:
Feature Updates and Enhancements
HTC Hero Software Enhancement SW 1.56.651.2 provides feature updates and enhancements to address the following:
? Improvement to camera picture quality
? DST (Daylight Savings Time) issue addressed
? Unable to receive SMS due to full memory
? Memory leak when Bluetooth is in connecting state
? 3.5mm mono when not using headset with mic
? Dialer application causing excess battery draw
Updated on Nov 19, 2009
Having installed the new update to my HTC Hero, I can say the firmware update has made the phone move noticeably faster. The SenseUI is snappier, a lot of used system memory is freed up, Peep (twitter) widget is snappier. Camera quality is much better. Will post additional info as I notice it.
Updated on Nov 20, 2009
Wow, they weren't kidding when they said speed improvements, they meant it! It's like a whole new phone after this update. I was getting close to feeling laggy with a bunch of apps running, but then this update came out and it's faster than it was on day-one.
Anyone who had any speed/lag/battery issues should maybe rethink their positions on disliking the phone. It looks like HTC did a fantastic job on getting these improvements out. And it was only a 3MB fix, not 300! *cough*apple*cough*.
Also, the camera quality has more than tripled. It is a functional camera now. The test before/after pics I took are like night/day difference.
Also added a few UI enhancements, some new on-screen buttons on phone calls. Also, I began using my Hero as an mp3 player recently, and noticed a quiet, tinny sound to music through car head-unit. Update seems to have cleaned up the sound and increased the media output volume. All in all, very nice update, makes the phone that much better. 5.5 stars?
Updated on Dec 4, 2009
@sg4145 Yes you can stream from a website on the phone. No you can not do it while on a call. Due to the nature of the type of network Sprint/Verizon use you are unable to do anything network or data related while on a call. ATT/T-Mobile are the only networks that allow this. It's an issue with the type of network they run and NOT an issue any particular hardware.
Updated on Dec 11, 2009
@mateosnchz - Settings - About Phone - System Updates - Update Firmware
@Stlheadake yes, i have a 16GB in mine as we speak.
Updated on Jan 14, 2010
To reply to the questions I've left unanswered:
- Bluetooth - I have never, and probably will never, use bluetooth for any reason on a phone. As a result, I am unable to field any questions on the way the phone works with Bluetooth. Sorry, everyone!
- Windows 7 - HTC has launched Windows 7 compatible software. It is available here:
- Battery - Several companies have released 3rd party batteries, is roughly 3x the capacity of the battery that shipped with the phone.
- HTC, as far as I am aware, is prepping the 2.1 release. although, there is a chance the SenseUI will be modified for this release. No date has been set.
Additionally, feel free to check out for up-to-date news and related product reviews.
Updated on Jan 22, 2010
Haven't had any issues with the volume of the handset. The calls are clear, and everything is golden. I've been told the Pittsburgh area(where I am located) has exceptional Sprint coverage, so your mileage may vary.
Updated on Jan 29, 2010
@PROGNOSTIC8OR I didn't see a question in there, so I can't exactly answer anything...
@davdfreeman I have detailed informatioon on how to update the phone. The version numbers are in the same spot, read through my updates. I am not sure about the "weather widget" I use the all-in-one weather/Clock/calendar widget, and it updates itself just fine. It just wont update while the phone is locked/asleep. If its not updating when the phone is in use, then it may be a network issue, as the info comes over the web (wi-fi or EVDO)
@JLEH01 this is apparently an issue on ALL spring phones, and I don't know why the store would factory reset it. Make sure your WIFI connection is DISABLED when you attempt to load the message. I had the same issue at first. I get great EVDO connectivity, so I just leave wi-fi disabled all the time. No use for it, if I'm near a hotspot, I have my laptop.
@jitterycoffee when you connect to Gmail account, syncs all Gmail contacts right to the phone.
Updated on Jan 29, 2010
@JLEH01 all SPRINT phones, rather. Pardon the type-o.
Updated on Jan 29, 2010
@JLEH01 all SPRINT phones, rather. Pardon the type-o.
Updated on Jan 29, 2010
ANDROID 2.1 FIRMWARE UPDATE INFORMATION: According to sources at HTC the Android 2.1 ("FroYo") update should be available for the Hero/Eris sometime before the end of March.
There is no date, and as it has been pushed back before this is far from a definitive release time-frame.
Updated on Jan 29, 2010
The "slow" release has nothing to do with Sprint. Since the HTC Android devices use the SenseUI (notice how they are a lot different in terms of usage and appearance than the Droid or G1?) the development teams need to re-apply all their custom code to Android once the OS is released. They can't begin doing coding and quality assurance on their upgrades until the kernels are released from Android.
If this was "stock Android" it would be one thing. The fact that we get custom UI, custom widgets, and custom apps above and beyond those that ship with Android, I'd say the wait is worth it.
Updated on Jan 29, 2010
The "slow" release has nothing to do with Sprint. Since the HTC Android devices use the SenseUI (notice how they are a lot different in terms of usage and appearance than the Droid or G1?) the development teams need to re-apply all their custom code to Android once the OS is released. They can't begin doing coding and quality assurance on their upgrades until the kernels are released from Android.
If this was "stock Android" it would be one thing. The fact that we get custom UI, custom widgets, and custom apps above and beyond those that ship with Android, I'd say the wait is worth it.
Updated on Jan 29, 2010
*** cNet. Why are you posting my comments on other reviews as "updates" to my own post? And why are they double posting? Get your **** together already. Embarrassing comment system.
Updated on Jan 30, 2010
@PROGNOSTIC8OR I personally have never done it. You will probably want to do a bit of Googling and find out exactly how to do it for yourself. I have seen a large number of keyboard styles available on the Android Marketplace, but have not tried them. I am ok with the stock keyboard.
@GadgetWifey I have made several mentions of battery life in my review and updates. "3G" is a subjective term. If you are asking if it uses the same "3G" network as Verizon or ATT (which are completely different technologies), then no. It uses Sprints own high-speed network. "3G" is more of a marketing buzzword than anything. You should check to see if your area has coverage of the latest revision of the EVDO network. HOWEVER - if all you are using it for is texting, mail, and chat, perhaps a touch-screen is NOT for you. I would recommend going to a Sprint store and trying out a model first to see if you will be comfortable without a physical keyboard. As always, your mileage may vary.
Updated on Feb 5, 2010
@JLEH01: Open messages, click menu button, go to settings. make sure auto-retrieve is on, and if you roam a lot make sure roaming auto-retrieve is on. make sure priority is normal. maximum message size is 1M.
Additionally, have you installed any apps between when messaging worked and when it stopped working? Perhaps one of those is causing you some trouble.
Also, try calling Sprint, ask for Advanced Support, don't even speak to the general support that answers. Tell them you want advanced. If the person refuses, just call back and ask. Eventually youll get someone. Have them re-provision your account and check all your settings on their end. This is NOT a restore, and will ONLY affect your settings at Spring, not on your phone.
And you are 100% that the wi-fi is completely disabled in the settings?
Updated on May 7, 2010
Having been waiting the better part of the year for the 2.1 update only to have the date changed and the release pulled several times, with no actual release date in sight, I am thoroughly fed up.
Don't get me wrong, I do not want to detract from any of my previous statements, but their support on this phone is absurd. A phone that is not even 7 months old that is seeing delay after delay, while the same OS we have been patiently waiting for for months is arriving on their newer models.
If HTC feels that this is an appropriate amount of customer support then I feel safe in saying that I will never purchase another HTC device in my life.
So long as Apple releases OS's universally on the dates they announce, then I don't think they have much to worry about from HTC or Android. I will be switching back to ATT and an iPhone this summer when the new hardware is launched. I'll take a legitimate release and patch schedule over this crap any day of the week.
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